Custom Text
Message and Email
Marketing Campaigns

Create campaigns for your patients that spark action, build relationships, and enhance the overall patient experience. 


Nathan Saydyk

I decided to try it out and instantly saw the power in the system, much more powerful than DI (in my opinion).  he cost was better also! Additionally we were able to combine the appointment confirmation, review management and online texting that we were paying Weave to do for us. ALSO, the PBN system writes back into Dentrix, so when we text with a patient it is automatically entered into their journal!
They are SUPER helpful. Anytime I have a question it is either in their help files or I just click to chat and they would walk me through what to do.

You’re a dentist, not
an email marketer

When done correctly, email marketing can be a tremendous revenue driver for your practice. In fact, email marketing provides an average ROI of $38 for each $1 spent – making it one of the most powerful marketing channels to utilize in your practice. 

You have enough things on your plate running your practice, so we have done the heavy lifting for you by creating pre-templated marketing campaigns that reach patients at the right time, at the right place, with the right message.

Pre – Built,
Customizable Text
Message Campaign

Customizable Email
Campaigns and

Greater ROI and
Patient Satisfaction

Maximize Your Revenue
While Maximizing Efficiency

Whether you want to run a campaign about teeth whitening or a special on Invisalign, we have pre-built templates ready-to-go right at your fingertips so you can start maximizing response rates and your email return on investment – immediately.

Target the Right Audience

To be efficient, your offer and communications must hit the right audience. With Practice By Numbers, you can easily specify the audience you want to reach – whether you want to target patients who have been at your practice longer than a year, patients who haven’t seen you in the last 3months, or patients who just saw you last week – you can customize the lists to further personalize your communication.

Save Time with
Pre-Built Templates

Starting from scratch? No problem. With over 200 marketing templates to choose from, you can easily stay top-of-mind with email campaigns that reach the right audience at the right time. 

Ensure No Patient
is Left Behind

It’s not good for the health of your patient – or the health of your practice – for patients to fall through the cracks. Through customizable audiences and marketing campaigns, you can reach patients that will encourage them to take action and contact your practice to schedule an appointment, take advantage of a promotion, and more.

Add a Personalized Touch

Just because you’re marketing doesn’t mean you have to always be selling something. Through birthday notifications, summer specials, or simple office updates – you can share news about your practice, build relationships with patients, and continue to improve patient loyalty through timely and targeted communications.