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Strategies To Beat The "Sucktember" Slump

August 27, 2024 10 minutes To Read

Key Highlights

  • “Sucktember” is a common occurrence in the dental industry, characterized by a drop in patient visits following the summer season.
  • Employing proactive strategies is essential to overcoming this decline and ensuring a profitable autumn for your practice.
  • Implementing pre-scheduling, refreshing marketing efforts, and enhancing patient communication are crucial tactics.
  • Leveraging technology and offering flexible payment options can drive a successful September.
  • Maintaining team morale through activities and incentives is key to sustaining optimal practice performance.


As summer gives way to autumn, the transition often brings a noticeable shift in patient engagement with dental practices—a phenomenon known as “Sucktember.” This month is marked by fewer appointments and reduced productivity. However, by focusing on the right strategies, you can counteract the September slump and set your practice up for a busy and successful autumn season.

Understanding The “Sucktember” Slump In Dental Practices

“Sucktember” is more than just a catchy term; it represents a real challenge faced by many dental practices. With the start of the school year and the end of summer vacations, families find themselves with new priorities. Dental appointments, especially for routine check-ups and elective treatments, often take a back seat as schedules become more demanding. Recognizing this pattern allows dental professionals to prepare and mitigate its impact on their practice.

“Sucktember” is more than just a catchy term; it represents a real challenge faced by many dental practices. With the start of the school year and the end of summer vacations, families find themselves with new priorities

Identifying The Causes Of A September Slowdown

Several factors contribute to the September slowdown in patient visits. The primary cause is the shift in family schedules as children return to school and summer routines fade. The financial strain of back-to-school expenses, such as new clothes and school supplies, can also lead patients to delay non-essential dental care. Additionally, the general busyness of the season can result in fewer wellness visits, including dental check-ups, as patients prioritize other commitments over their oral health.

The Impact Of “Sucktember” On Practice Revenue And Morale

The September slump can significantly impact your practice’s bottom line. Fewer patient visits translate to decreased revenue from procedures and check-ups, which can strain your practice’s budget if overhead costs remain constant. Beyond financial implications, “Sucktember” can also take a toll on team morale. A quieter office, reduced patient interaction, and the pressure to meet targets during a slow period can affect the mood and motivation of your team. It’s crucial to keep the team engaged and focused on navigating this challenging time.

Preemptive Strategies To Sidestep The September Slump

Dental practices don’t have to accept the “Sucktember” slump as inevitable. By taking proactive measures, you can minimize its effects and even transform this period into an opportunity for growth. Preparing for a potential dip in patient volume and implementing targeted strategies can help maintain a steady flow of patients and revenue through the fall and beyond. These strategies include optimizing scheduling, refreshing marketing efforts, enhancing patient communication, and exploring creative financial solutions.

Leveraging Pre-Scheduling To Ensure A Busy Fall

One of the most effective ways to combat the September slowdown is by encouraging patients to schedule their appointments in advance. By reaching out to patients during the summer months, you can ensure a robust schedule in the months ahead. Here’s how:

  • Incorporate pre-scheduling into treatment plans: Emphasize the importance of scheduling follow-up appointments during treatment discussions, particularly for patients who may be busier in the fall.
  • Utilize patient engagement software: Leverage patient engagement software to identify patients due for cleanings or check-ups in the fall and send targeted reminders encouraging early booking.

Implementing A Marketing Refresh For Autumn Appointments

As the seasons change, so should your dental marketing strategies. A fresh approach can attract new patients and remind existing ones to book their fall appointments. Here are some ideas:

  • Back-to-school promotions: Offer special deals for students and families, emphasizing the importance of oral health as part of a healthy school routine.
  • Social media engagement: Use engaging content on social media to highlight the benefits of maintaining good oral hygiene year-round.
  • Email campaigns: Send targeted, custom campaigns to your existing patients, reminding them of the importance of regular dental check-ups and promoting any autumn specials you offer.

Enhancing Patient Communication And Engagement

Effective communication is essential for maintaining strong patient relationships and ensuring consistent appointment scheduling. Instead of relying solely on standard reminders, aim to create a sense of connection and value through personalized messaging. This approach fosters trust and strengthens the patient-practice bond, leading to a more successful and resilient practice, even during slower times.

The Role Of Personalized Communication In Patient Retention

Personalized communication can significantly boost case acceptance and patient retention. When dental professionals tailor their interactions to meet individual patient needs, it fosters a sense of value and understanding. Consider these methods:

  • Use patient-preferred names: Address patients by their chosen names and reference past conversations or treatment history to personalize the interaction.
  • Highlight relevant benefits: When discussing treatment options, focus on the patient’s specific needs and concerns, emphasizing how the treatment will improve their oral health and overall well-being.
  • Offer multiple communication channels: Provide patients with options for how they wish to receive reminders, treatment plans, and follow-up information—whether via email, text, or phone.

Utilizing Social Media To Keep Your Practice Top Of Mind

Social media platforms offer an excellent way for dental practices to stay connected with patients and maintain a consistent presence in their lives, even when they’re not in the office. By sharing valuable and engaging content, your practice can position itself as a trusted source of oral health information and build a rapport with potential patients. Consider creating posts that offer helpful oral health tips, address common dental concerns, and showcase positive patient experiences. Incorporating interactive elements like polls and Q&A sessions can further increase engagement and foster a sense of community around your practice.

Offering Special Promotions To Stimulate Demand

Attract patients with exclusive promotions tailored to their needs. Consider offering discounts on teeth-whitening services or referral incentives. Promote these special offers across your website, social media platforms, email and text, and in-office displays to attract both new and existing patients. Creating a sense of urgency, such as limited-time deals or first-come, first-serve offers, can drive immediate action and enhance the patient experience. Strategically promoting these incentives will help stimulate demand and increase your practice’s visibility in a competitive market.

Operational Adjustments For Better Efficiency

Small operational changes can have a big impact on your practice’s efficiency, especially during slower periods. Streamlining day-to-day tasks and optimizing your appointment scheduling process allows your team to focus more on patient care, boosting productivity without increasing workload. Additionally, adopting new technologies that enhance patient care and streamline office procedures can bring long-term benefits to your practice, helping you stay agile and competitive in the ever-evolving dental industry.

Streamlining Scheduling To Maximize Staff Efficiency

An efficient scheduling system is the backbone of a well-run dental practice. When scheduling is optimized, it reduces patient wait times, lowers staff stress, and ensures that everyone’s time is used effectively. Consider these strategies:

  • Block scheduling: Designate specific time slots for different types of appointments, such as cleanings, check-ups, or more complex procedures.
  • Digital scheduling tools: Implement online scheduling tools that allow patients to book appointments at their convenience, reducing the need for phone calls and simplifying the process.
  • Confirm appointments thoroughly: Minimize no-shows and keep your schedule on track by sending text or email reminders, and making confirmation calls as appointments approach.

Adopting New Technologies For Improved Patient Care

Embracing new technologies can transform patient experiences and streamline your practice’s operations, paving the way for future growth. By staying up-to-date with the latest dental tools and selecting the right solutions for your practice, you can enhance patient care, simplify administrative tasks, and elevate the quality of your services. Consider these technological upgrades:

  • Digital patient forms: Transition from paper to digital forms that patients can access on tablets or online, speeding up data collection and streamlining the process.
  • Intraoral cameras: Use these cameras to provide patients with clear images of their teeth and gums, helping them better understand their oral health.
  • Practice optimization software: Implement practice optimization software to track key performance metrics, analyze patient data, and automate tasks like appointment reminders and recall notifications.

Focusing On Team Motivation And Morale

A motivated and engaged team is crucial for overcoming the challenges of a slow month like September. Participating in team-building activities and recognizing staff contributions reinforces the idea that everyone is a valued member of the practice. By fostering a positive and supportive work environment, dental practices can empower their teams to deliver exceptional patient care and maintain high spirits, even when patient volume fluctuates.

Hosting Team-Building Activities To Boost Morale

Team-building activities are an effective way to boost morale, especially during slower periods. Engaging in activities outside the office helps team members bond, improves communication, and reinforces the sense of a supportive work family. Here are some team-building ideas:

  • Lunchtime games or challenges: Organize fun games or trivia during lunch breaks to encourage interaction and laughter.
  • Volunteer outings: Collaborate on a community service project, fostering teamwork while giving back to the community.
  • Attend a dental conference or workshop together: Take the team to a dental conference or workshop to learn and bond outside the office.

Setting Goals And Incentives For September Performance

Establishing specific goals and incentives can significantly boost performance during the challenging “Sucktember” slump. Setting achievable targets for increased patient communication, treatment acceptance, and case completion rates can motivate the entire team to excel. Offering incentives like bonuses, team outings, or recognition programs for surpassing goals.


Successfully navigating the “Sucktember” slump involves strategic planning and the right tools. By focusing on pre-scheduling, enhancing patient engagement, and maintaining team motivation, your practice can thrive even

during challenging times. Practice by Numbers offers the comprehensive data analysis and operational support you need to stay ahead. With these insights at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions that boost revenue, improve patient care, and keep your practice running smoothly through September and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can Practice By Numbers Help Improve Patient Retention During Slow Periods?

Practice by Numbers offers powerful patient retention tools like automated recall systems and personalized patient communication that help maintain strong relationships with your patients. By staying in touch and providing timely reminders, you can ensure that patients continue to book appointments even during traditionally slow periods.

How Can Practice By Numbers Enhance Staff Productivity During “Sucktember”?

Practice by Numbers offers a suite of tools designed to streamline daily operations and reduce administrative burdens. With features like online payments, digital patient forms, and seamless insurance verification, the platform simplifies routine tasks, allowing your staff to focus on patient care.

What Reporting Does Practice By Numbers Offer To Track Practice Performance?

Practice by Numbers provides detailed, customizable reports that track key performance indicators such as re-appointment rates, treatment acceptance rates, and financial metrics. These insights allow you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your practice’s operations for better performance.

How Does Practice By Numbers Support Marketing Efforts In “Sucktember”?

Practice by Numbers enhances your marketing strategies by offering data-driven insights and tools. MarketingIQ tracks the effectiveness of various marketing campaigns, helping you understand which initiatives bring in the most new patients. RevenueIQ allows you to segment your patient base to create targeted campaigns that resonate with specific demographics.

How Does Practice By Numbers Support Multi-Location Practices?

Practice by Numbers is designed to streamline operations across multiple locations. The platform allows you to centralize data, track performance metrics for each location, and implement consistent practices across all sites, ensuring that each branch of your practice is running efficiently.

Are you ready to revolutionize your practice? Schedule a demo today!

Together, we can elevate the patient experience and redefine the standard of excellence in dental practices nationwide.


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